Kill Screen

Gamer Heroes Podcast
Gamer Heroes
Gamer Heroes
Kill Screen
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Kill Screen

Series host and founding member, Derreck Mayer, discusses why he has chosen to finally bring the Gamer Heroes podcast to an end after more than 3 1\2 years. The Gamer Heroes podcast, the Heroes Podcast Network’s second longest running series, premiered in January of 2017 and this marks its 122nd episode, of which, Derreck hosted 70. The show saw several other hosts including Jon Czerwinski who co-hosted the first 60 episodes with Derreck. The show continued with other hosts, primarily Thomas Egan and Kam Konek of GGKC, before Derreck returned in episode 213 to continue the series.

As one of the founding members of the series, I want to thank every single one of our listeners for sticking with us over the years or simply catching an episode. I’d also like to thank all of the hosts who carried the show either with me or for me over the last few years. I love podcasting and I love gaming.

Sometimes it’s hard to know where the line is but when gaming becomes stressful due to podcasting deadlines and the podcast becomes stressful due to scheduling, it’s time to step away. Listen to this final episode for a more in-depth explanation.

You can still find me on the Heroes Podcast Network’s flagship series, Screen Heroes as well as our dedicated Star Trek podcast, Redshirts & Runabouts:

Thank you, everyone… and… Game On!

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Gamer Heroes Podcast Credits

A Heroes Podcast Network Production

Host | Derreck Mayer (@TheStarTrekDude)

Music | David Renda at Fesliyan Studios

Links |

Social Media | @GamerHeroesPod

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